Identification of Soil Fracture Zone Using Waxman-Smits Model Based on ERT Survey Data


  • Budy Santoso Department of Geophysics, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang 45363, Indonesia
  • Hendarmawan Department of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang 45363, Indonesia
  • Yudi Rosandi Study Program of Doctor of Environmental Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang 45363, Indonesia



Fracture, ERT, Rankine method, Soil stress, Waxman-Smits model, Water saturation


Fracture is an early symptom of ground movement related to the physical properties of soil, including permeability, porosity, density, cohesion and internal friction angle, where these physical properties affect the stability of the soil. This research aims to identify soil fracture in landslide-prone areas using the values of water saturation and soil pressure based on electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) data. Water saturation values are obtained using the Waxman-Smits model based on the relationship between porosity and resistivity. The advantage of this model is its ability to apply correction due to clay-containing soil layers found in the research area. Another parameter used to determine soil fracture is the soil stress value. In this study, the Rankine method is used to calculate soil stress, and this method can be applied to the soil conditions that experienced deformation, caused by weathering of breccia and tuff rocks, allowing water to penetrate the rock medium. Consequently, the weathered layers of breccia and tuff act as slip planes. The presence of water on the slip planes leads to soil movement. Based on the analysis results, soil fractures are correlated with low water saturation values and contrast in soil stress values. A profound contrast in water saturation and soil stress values appears only at fractured slopes. Based on our analysis, soil fractures correlate with low water saturation values (5 - 15 %) accompanied by apparent contrast of soil stress values, i.e. the fractured soil is having lower soil stress (< 15 KN/m2) in comparison to the surrounding. Such a contrast was not found in slopes without fractures.


  • The electrical resistivity parameter can be related to other physics parameters such as water saturation and soil stress to identify soil fractures
  • Soil fractures can be identified through water saturation profiles using Waxman-Smits model based on data from water resistivity measurements (Rw), resistivity obtained from inversion modeling (Rt), porosity (∅). The additional data was obtained from literature, such as clay conductivity (B), cation exchange capacity (Qv) and the constant to characterize cementation (m)
  • Soil fractures can also be identified from the soil stress values/soil stress profile



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How to Cite

Santoso, B. ., Hendarmawan, H., & Rosandi, Y. . (2024). Identification of Soil Fracture Zone Using Waxman-Smits Model Based on ERT Survey Data . Trends in Sciences, 21(8), 7760.