Metabolit Profilling and Antibacterial Activity of Ethanol Extract of the Unripe Fruit Peel of Kayu Banana (Musa paradisiaca L. Var. Kayu)


  • Arista Wahyu Ningsih Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Achmad Syahrani Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Abdi Wira Septama Research Centre of Pharmaaceutical Ingredients and Traditional Medicine, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Sukardiman Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia



Antibacterial, Musa paradisiaca, Escherichia coli, Banana Kayu


According to Basic Health Research data in Indonesia in 2020 shows that the diarrhea morbidity rate in Indonesia is still high. In Indonesia, the unripe fruit of the Kayu banana (Musa paradisiaca L. var. Kayu) is a drug that is often used empirically by the people of Senduro village, Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia, to treat diarrhea. This study was conducted to investigate the antibacterial activity of unripe fruit peel, unripe fruit flesh and unripe fruit. A disc diffusion test was selected to assess the sensitivity of each sample to Escherichia coli. The disc dilution was used to determine the value of MIC and MBC in Escherichia coli. Total phenolic content to determine phenolic levels in samples that are suspected of providing antibacterial activity. Analysis of secondary metabolite profiles using the UPLC-Q-TOF/MS instrument. Unripe fruit peel extract shows more optimal antibacterial activity compared to other extracts. The diameter value of the inhibitory zone of the unripe fruit peel extract is 17 mm and the yield of a large ΔOD is –1.3620 at a concentration of 10 % w/v. Based on the calculation results from the regression equation, TPC fruit extract was obtained by 8.6 %, TPC flesh extracts by 6.1 % and TPC from bark extract by 10.8 %. Based on the data from the interpretation of compound content analysis using UPLC-QToFMS, it can be seen that there are 25 mayor compounds. These results suggest that the unripe fruit peel extract of banana Kayu has the potential to be antibacterial against Escherichia coli. The application of this research is as a reference for the development of antidiarrheal standardized herbal medicines and the implication of this research is to support the independence of national medicinal raw materials in Indonesia.


  • Unripe fruit peel extract of Kayu banana (Musa paradisiaca var. Kayu) has the potential to be antibacterial against Escherichia coli. The results of this study showed that the peel extract of the unripe fruit of banana Kayu has an inhibitory zone diameter of 17 mm and there is a decrease in absorbance with a large ΔOD, which is 1.3620 with a total phenol content of 107.8 mg of gallic acid equivalent per gram of unripe fruit peel extract



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How to Cite

Ningsih, A. W., Syahrani, A., Septama, A. W., & Sukardiman, S. (2023). Metabolit Profilling and Antibacterial Activity of Ethanol Extract of the Unripe Fruit Peel of Kayu Banana (Musa paradisiaca L. Var. Kayu). Trends in Sciences, 21(2), 7154.